Sunday, April 5, 2009

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skip ton Main | skip ton sidebar news Europe Domingo, 5 de Abril de 2009 the G-20-Gipfel ended in a global world, around itself growth. Is it the beginning of a new international economic system? At first sight it gives less than fulfills the eye in the G20 communiqu�. There did not coordinate plan for the stimulation of the economy, and the additional $ 500bn obligated, the IWF comes too many conditions attached, around the world economy. And regulation, even auto loan Lauderhill if still world-wide in principle by the national adjustment authorities, the different approaches. Any assistance for the poor countries was limited to its extent, and little prospect seems on a global trade agreement, those lifts its prospects in the long term. New one consensusBut gives itself it references, in the Rhetorik and in material measures, the one new way of the execution of the world economy can

from the G20 process. President Barack Obama said, if he spoke himself Weekend wraps up with wet, snowy weather - Chicago Sun-Times so much that the consent of Washington of the free globalization and deregulation was now become outdated, and for a more balanced beginning regulations for markets instead of it runs free.NEW FUNDING Verpf�ndungen $ 500bn for the IWF to lend to fight national economies $ 250bn for the promotion of the world trade $ 250bn for a new IWF �berziehungsfazilit�ten of countries can himself on $ 100 billion that know the international development banks of credits at poorest countriesIMF auto loan Lauderhill becomes the 6 billion $ from the sale of gold reserves, around credits for the poorest countriesSource: BBC and is the misalignment before into the US position, those the strongest opponents international regulation to regulate those the way freely for a much more broader

attempt the financial sector. Thesis far over banks capital requirements, around which global adjustment of the hedge funds, the tax havens and executive pay - something, which would have been still inconceivable, before the crisis New GM Chief Doesn?t Rule Out Bankruptcy - New York Times into the new broke. And Financial Stability board, now the all G20-Mitglieder, it is the potential for an efficient new global financial architecture modulator. Even more important is the increased achievement, it the international financial establishment ions, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the further-assigned became of the G-20 to supervise and on many their policies.IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn it became jubilant after the meeting that the IWF is now really bakes. The IMFs picture was auto loan Lauderhill clouded during the Asian financial crisis and, until the current crisis was to a head, it fears that the organization

lost its relevance. Mr bunch punt was particularly enthusiastically over the plan for the IWF to give $ 250bn value of the own currency, the Southern German Broadcasting Corporation that this the first step on the IWF the exhibition of the own liquity and as creditors of the last instance - the two most important functions of a World Treasury chief puts bailed-out bank CEOs on notice - The Associated Press cent ral bank. The IWF becomes also more representative, with China and India ever more say, and the TOP JOB opened for all Ank�mmlinge, not only the Europeans, into the future. Ford ago meetingsBut perhaps clearly, the G-20 decided to meet further regularly around the progress during the management of the global economic crisis - the next meeting is for end this year. Mr bunch punt said, it believed the fact that the G-20 was the organization as

the auto loan Lauderhill advice of the governors for the world economy, said it and spoke itself for a still larger grouping, the more for the poor countries. It agency can be that after the crisis is past, solves the G20 as group. But in view of the faith of the governments on both sides of the Atlanticthe fact that the global co-operation is essential for the economic growth, which is probability that leads and tries you up, their role. With fits and First Lady Power: Obama, Bruni-Sarkozy Share in Glamor - ABC News begins to move the world around an acknowledgment that the economy has itself global, the power of the governments can effectively only if it to more internationally aligned. Postado por Europe message 12:51 Marcadores: G20 of 0 comments: postar evaluating you Postagem corn recente Postagem of more Antiga Home ate: postar comments (atom) Quem

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